I am working on a GUI for this program. It should be posted soon.

Anonymize is a small tool that lets the user anonymize files/folders. It works with Linux or Windows. The figures below are for Windows. Useful for grading if you do not want to know who submitted the assignment. Changes all file/folder names to random numbers and records which random number is associated with which file. Download the Anonymize.java file. Assume you have a folder called anonymizeMe that you wish to anonymize all of the files/folders in that folder:

Place the Anonymize.java file in the same directory as the anonymizeMe folder:

Compile the Java program. Run the Java program using java Anonymize folderToAnonymize keyFile.csv. The original folder above will turn into the following:

Lastly, the key file will be created that looks like the following:

One simply grades the anonymous folders. At the end, you simply need to match up the anonymous feedback/scores with the original submitter.